Drinking problem?
Get help now.
What is AA?
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
New to AA?
If you seem to be having trouble with your drinking, or if your drinking has reached the point of where it worries you, you may be interested to know something about Alcoholics Anonymous and the A.A. programme of recovery from alcoholism.
Upcoming Meetings
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We have multiple daily meetings, throughout Hong Kong.
Click below for our complete listing
Some meetings may be ‘open’ (to non-alcoholic visitors) or ‘closed’ (for alcoholics & those who think they might have a drink problem) – all meetings will list details about this.
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Meeting Details
Specific directions: Located in the hills above Central, Hong Kong Island. When driving up Borrett Road, no.12 is the large red-brick building on the left (see photo above). The A.A.
Meeting Details
Specific directions: Located in the hills above Central, Hong Kong Island. When driving up Borrett Road, no.12 is the large red-brick building on the left (see photo above). The A.A. entrance has a small flight of steps and can be identified by a small white plaque with a black circle and triangle – meetings are on the ground floor.
MTR: Admiralty (and then taxi) / Central (and then taxi / minibus) – see below. Bus: Public Light Minibus no. 9 (green) from Exchange Square (across the street from Jardine House (HKD 6.20)). There is a bus-stop almost in front of the meeting place. After the meeting the bus can be taken back to Central.
Taxi: Approximately HKD 30.00 from Central / Admiralty. Borrett Road in Cantonese is Bollo Dough.
Weather Advisory: When the No. 8 signal is raised, this meeting will be held on Zoom. You can access the meeting via the following Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/896413206
If this meeting is already underway, the meeting should stop and you should return home immediately, if it is safe to do so. https://www.gov.hk/informtc/precaution.htm
Contact: (852) 9073 6922
Closed: Closed meetings are for A.A. members only, or for people with an alcohol problem and “a desire to stop drinking”.
7th Tradition:
1. First register to use PayMe by installing Payme app from HSBC on your smart phone from your App store. Follow the instructions to register an account.
2. Once you have the PayMe app installed. Click this link using your smart phone: https://payme.hsbc/hkandklngroup.
Or use this QR code:
Our group treasurer is listed on the PayMe app. This PayMe account is to collect 7th Tradition contributions only.
3. In-person meetings accept cash in the basket, or contributions via scanning the PayMe QR code available in the room.
Meeting Time
(Tuesday) 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Meeting Location
Mid Levels
12 Borrett Road, Mid Levels, Hong Kong Island