Drinking problem?
Get help now.
What is AA?
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
New to AA?
If you seem to be having trouble with your drinking, or if your drinking has reached the point of where it worries you, you may be interested to know something about Alcoholics Anonymous and the A.A. programme of recovery from alcoholism.
Upcoming Meetings
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We have multiple daily meetings, throughout Hong Kong.
Click below for our complete listing
Some meetings may be ‘open’ (to non-alcoholic visitors) or ‘closed’ (for alcoholics & those who think they might have a drink problem) – all meetings will list details about this.
Meeting happening now

Meeting Details
To join online, select this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84777755295 Installation and registration: If it is your first time, you may be prompted to install the
Meeting Details
To join online, select this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84777755295
Installation and registration: If it is your first time, you may be prompted to install the Zoom.us app, but that is quick and easy, and we have videos showing how to do it on your iPhones/iOS or Android phone.
Password: Please contact the helpline for the meeting password. You can contact the helpline through:
– Telephone on (852) 9073 6922
– Email at aahelp@aa-hk.org
– WhatsApp by adding (852) 9073 6922
– WeChat by searching for ID: 81dzx8wq136j22 within the app
Zoom Meeting ID – 84777755295
Format: 閱讀 <清醒的生活>
Closed: Closed meetings are for A.A. members only, or for people with an alcohol problem and “a desire to stop drinking”.
Meeting Time
(Tuesday) 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Meeting Location
Online meeting occurs through Zoom, Skype or WebEx
Coming up Next in

Meeting Details
Special Announcements: Meeting room location at the Lower Hall next to the parking lot and external lift. On public holidays, The Morning Group meets at
Meeting Details
Special Announcements:
Meeting room location at the Lower Hall next to the parking lot and external lift.
On public holidays, The Morning Group meets at 7:45am at 12 Borrett Road, courtesy of the Hong Kong and Kowloon Group.
Specific: Within walking distance of Central / Admiralty MTR stations – just a little further up the hill, past the Peak Tram and on the opposite side of the road to the US Consulate. The meeting room is at the rear of the church.
Full Address: St Joseph’s Church, Room A, 37 Garden Road, Central area, Hong Kong Island.
MTR: Central /Admiralty and then walk / taxi from there.
Taxi: Most taxi drivers know St Joseph’s Church but in Cantonese it’s sing yok sut gau tong.
Contacts: Alan 9464 7172 or Chris 6142 1253
Open: Open meetings are for anyone interested in learning about A.A. and its primary purpose; “to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety”.
Weather advisory: When the No.8 signal is issued, this meeting will be cancelled. If this meeting is underway the meeting should stop and you should return home immediately, if it is safe to do so.
Meeting Time
(Wednesday) 7:45 am – 8:45 am
Meeting Location
37 Garden Road, Central area, Hong Kong Island.